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Special Case Voting

Curbside Voting

Curbside voting is the process followed when a person who is physically unable to enter a polling location can send another person into the polling location, or call, to inform precinct election officials of their desire to vote.

Two election officials, of opposite parties, will verify the voter’s identity and eligibility to vote, then provide the appropriate ballot to the voter at the designated curbside voting location.


Emergency Absentee

In the state of Ohio, there is a contingency for voters that encounter an emergency on Election Day, access to this type of ballot is rigidly defined by the state.

An absentee voter who is confined to a hospital or whose minor child is confined to a hospital due to an accident or unforeseeable medical emergency that occurred after the close of business on the seventh day before Election Day and before 3pm on Election Day may vote by absentee ballot.

Any such voter must apply using the Secretary of State Form 11-B containing all the required information plus the hospital at which the applicant or the applicant’s minor child has been admitted, the date of the applicant’s or the applicant’s child’s admission to the hospital, and the offices for which the applicant is qualified to vote.

Voters with an unforeseeable hospitalization may submit applications beginning after 12:00 p.m. noon on the Saturday before Election Day and ending at 3:00 p.m. on Election Day.

An absentee voter with an unforeseeable hospitalization within the county may receive and return the absentee ballot through a family member, or through two boards of elections employees.

If the hospitalization is out of county, the absentee voter may receive and return the absentee ballot through a family member or by mail.

Must Include:

  • Name and Registered address
  • Date of birth
  • Either your Ohio driver’s license number or the last four digits of your social security number
  • Hospital that the applicant or applicant’s child has been admitted
  • Date of admission to the hospital
  • Election you are requesting: ex. Primary, Special, or General
    • If the request is for a primary, you must include which party ballot you wish to receive or issues only (if available)
  • A statement that you are a qualified elector
  • Your complete legal signature

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The Board of Elections is here to help. Whether you are a citizen or a candidate, we provide the information you need to participate in Ohio elections.