Choose How You Cast Your Ballot
Our new, state-of-the-art equipment was selected with our voters in mind, allowing voters to choose a hand-marked or machine-marked paper ballot at every Montgomery County polling station. By educating our voters about the new process, we hope to generate excitement, increase voter turnout, and ultimately provide voters with a secure, easy voting experience.
The S.A.F.E. Process is Sign-in, Select, and Submit.
Sign-In – Select – Submit provides a strong, clear messaging direction for voters in Montgomery County. During this process of transition, it is crucial to instill confidence in our voters and clearly delineate the new procedures of S.A.F.E. The use of alliteration ensures that the process is memorable, consistent, and accessible for all voters.
S.A.F.E. Sign In

Voters proceed to S.A.F.E. Sign-In where voter identification is confirmed. Poll workers will also ask if voters would like a manual ballot or a digital ballot.
S.A.F.E. Select

Voters then proceed to S.A.F.E. Select. Based on their selected ballot, voters either proceed to the Manual Booth or the Digital Booth for voting.
S.A.F.E. Submit

During S.A.F.E. Submit, voters cast their ballot through ballot reader by inserting their manual ballot or digital ballot in the appropriate tray. If there are any errors on the manual or digital ballots, Ballot reader will notify voters and poll workers that the manual or digital ballot must be filled in again.